A b o u t

E n t e r p r i s e A u t o m o t i v e S i m u l a t i o n

At SimX we harness and deploy disruptive technology and innovative software to deliver high fidelity & cost effective driver-in-the-loop digital twin vehicle simulation for niche vehicle manufacturers and independent racing teams who operate without large automotive OEM funding.

Multi-body physics based digital twin simulation can accelerate product development and vehicle performance whilst reducing real world testing costs, carbon emissions and time to market.

SimX also assist our enterprise partners to build and exploit digital assets and IP within the consumer digital space to support their in-house simulation programme.

T e a m & N e t w o r k

Our passionate and experienced core team at SimX are supported by a global network of expert simulation development contractors. This flexibility has enabled SimX to deliver the most demanding projects on time whilst remaining agile as we grow.

SimX is a UK registered company with a multi-national core team and network which allows us to collaborate effectively with international partners and deliver simulation services and technology around the world.

C o n s u m e r R a c i n g S i m u l a t i o n

As high end consumer simulation technology begins to infiltrate and disrupt the enterprise simulation industry,
SimX works across both spaces to bring maximum value and return on investment for our simulation partners.

Combining our passion with professional simulation development experience and a blue sky approach to sim racing, SimX are excited to be bringing unique and industry leading racing simulation & Esports experiences to the consumer racing simulation space in the near future.

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