S e r v i c e s

[Digital Twin : Vehicle] Data Capture / Simulation

Real time digital twin vehicle simulation output quality relies heavily on the amount and the accuracy of input data. Where input data does not already exist, SimX can capture a wide range of data from the real world vehicle and road / circuit surfaces.

SimX also use FEA and other non-real time simulation tools to simulate vehicle components and multi-body physics systems. Our real time digital twin simulation brings together all of the available data in a full vehicle multi-body driver-in-the-loop simulation - allowing the performance and dynamic effects of new components and vehicle setup changes to be assessed virtually, as well as full concept stage vehicle simulation.

[Digital Twin : Vehicle] Tyre and Physics Modelling

At SimX we use advanced physical and thermal tyre modelling to simulate the complex behaviours found within the most challenging component of the driver-in-the-loop simulation - real time tyre simulation.

Starting with the physical tyre parameters, we deconstruct and measure the real world tyre construction, then rebuild the tyre virtually - assigning material properties to each subcomponent of the virtual tyre structure. The virtual tyre is then tested and correlated with track and tyre rig test data.

The tyre model is just one of many components which make up the full vehicle real time driver-in-the-loop simulation.

[Digital Twin : Vehicle] Driver Feedback

Development driver feedback is a key part of a driver-in-the-loop simulation - from tuning the simulation model in areas where input data is missing to interpreting subjective information output from the simulator.

At SimX we work with a small number of highly experienced professional racing drivers who are also experienced in simulation and who excel at communicating dynamic vehicle and tyre behaviour to our simulation engineers.

Our development drivers are available for both simulation and real world feedback & coaching - in person [internationally) or remotely (from our UK based SimX simulator).

[Digital Twin : Vehicle / Location] 3D Modelling

SimX create performance efficient 3D model assets for real time use in digital twin simulation from high resolution CAD data - minimising latency whilst capturing and realistically rendering the physical and material properties and details of the vehicle.

A similar approach is applied to circuit, road and environment 3D model assets - SimX optimise geometry through low poly modelling techniques to maximise simulation performance whilst retaining important visual cues, references and details in key areas.

(Digital Twin : Location) LiDAR capture

The Gold Standard of circuit and road geometry capture, ground based LiDAR (laser scanning) creates an incredibly detailed point cloud with <1mm [vertical] accuracy.

Alternatively, mobile (vehicle based) LiDAR can be used where track access time is restricted and can offer <5mm point cloud accuracy.

The point cloud is processed into a driveable 3D mesh which forms part of a highly accurate digital twin of the real world environment for use in real time simulation.

(Digital Twin : Location) Photogrammetry

Where ground based LiDAR scanning is not possible - or where capturing large areas of surrounding context is required - UAV photogrammetry with ground control points can provide a textured 3D model of larger environments and can achieve a driving surface accuracy of <25mm.

High resolution surfaces can be added to the aerial photogrammetry derived model in key areas via a ground based photogrammetry pass (<10mm accuracy) or an aerial LiDAR pass (<5mm accuracy).

[Driver-in-the-loop Simulator] Hardware

SimX have developed a highly configurable low latency 6DOF full motion simulator using the latest simulator technology combined with race engineering principles: a low mass, low inertia, rigid structure with low latency vestibular feedback, a 240hz visual system, surround sound and speed variable air flow. Realistic steering forces provide high fidelity tyre feedback to the driver with an active brake pedal system offering additional channels of haptic feedback. Human and vehicle telemetry is displayed in real time and logged for offline review and analysis.